You are the industrial engineer for a 200-person firm that manufactures backpacks. Your firm has never used simulation software before. You believe that you could justify the purchase of the software by conducting one study per month, which results in an average savings of $3,000 per study. The studies would be company wide analyzing inventory, material handling, and warehousing problems, to name a few.
The firm’s senior executives strongly endorse your proposal and want you to bring in recommendations on the three software packages, Witness 12, Simprocess and Arena simulation software. For which they will make more in-depth analyses. You need to make a comparison of the features of the
three packages. Make a choice between the three and describe why you chose one software package instead of the others.
Using resources such as World Wide Web sites, case studies in magazines such as Industrial Engineer, and case studies in proceedings from simulation conferences conduct research on the three packages you believe would be the best for the firm to consider. Present 3 to 4 typewritten pages giving your recommendations. Develop a presentation so that the comparison of features is easy to read. A table with a list of features and a description of each software package addresses those features is an effective presentation.
You need to be careful not to recommend a software package that handles the simulation of physical attributes, such as finite-element analysis.
Do not copy material word-for-word or cut and paste material from these sources. If you show a chart or diagram, you must provide a footnote to show where you obtained the material. You will receive an F if you do copy material.
The paper is due at the beginning of class on October 21, 2012. There will be a reduction of one letter grade for each week the paper is past due.