ECON 460
November 19, 2011
The following paper is an example of the appropriate stlyle, layout and format for an term paper or essay in an economics course. All papers should have a title page that contains the following:
1. Title of the Paper
2. Course Number and Instructor
3. Your name and student number
4. Date
Any graphs should be on seperate pages that are not counted as part of the written page requirements. All graphs must be discussed and explained within the body of the text.
Newspaper and magazine articles may be cited but do not count as part of the required references.
In service based industries one of the fastest growing forms of market structure is that of franchise agreements. Certain aspects of franchise contracts tend to be idiosyncratic in nature thereby attracting a great deal of interest by academics and business analysts in recent years. Various explanations have been proposed for the widespread use of franchise contracts in certain industries. While a great deal of the franchise contract has been explained in the literature, there remains certain aspects of this form of arrangement that has yet to be addressed. This paper intends to address two of these issues as well as proposing an alternative modelling approach to franchise contracts.
The second section of this paper describes the basic structure of franchise con- tracts. The third section discusses the various explanations that have been proposed to explain franchising. The fourth section sets two aspects of the franchise contract that has not been addressed in the literature. The rst of these is existence of both corporate owned outlets and franchised outlets within the same organization. Some authors have predicted that one form or the other would come to dominate the or- ganization. Others have tried to explain under which conditions one form would be preferred by the
Bibliography: 1. Barzel, Y. ”Measurement Costs and the Organization of Markets,”The Journal of Law and Economics , 25, April (1982) 27-48. 3. Cheung, S.N.S. ”The Contractual Nature of the Firm,”The Journal of Law and Economics , 26 April (1983) 1-21. Law and Economics, 7 Oct. (1964) 11-26. of Economic Issues, 10, 1 March (1976) 45-61. (1980) 356-362. 10. Klein, B. and Le er, K. ”The Role of Market Forces in Assuring Contractual Performance,”Journal of Political Economy, 89, 4 (1981) 615- 641. 11. Klein, B. and Saft, L.F. ”The Law and Economics of Franchise Tying Con- tracts,”Journal of Law and Economics , 28 May (1985) 345-361 13. Kroc, R. Grinding It Out: The Making of McDonald’s Henry Regnery Co., Chicago, Illinois (1977). oretical and Institutional Economics (1991) 16 ton, D.C.; U.S. Government printing o¢ ce, 1971). Rubin, P. ”The Theory of the Firm and the Structure of the Franchise Contract,” Journal of Law and Economics , 21 (1978) 223-233. 18. Simon, Carol J. ”Franchising versus Ownership: a contracting explanation,” University of Chicago working paper (1991) 20. Vaughn, C.L. Franchising Lexington Books, Lexington Mass. (1974). 22. Winter, R.A. ”Vertical Control and Price versus Non-price Competition”work- ing paper (1990).