Cheating can be taken in the academic aspect and in the athletic aspect. Cheating though academic is seen as a deviant act. For …show more content…
More than half of Americans place sport bets with friends, families, and co-workers. Coakley says, “Sport gambling debts can have destructive consequences, but betting on sports is not generally seen as a moral or legal issue.” This is seen as deviant, but the viewers are not having a big issue because people mostly buy lottery tickets or make their way to the casino. Gambling leads to outcomes that are much more competitive for the teams because it all depends on which player scores what points or who wins what game. An example of gambling would be Floyd Mayweather Jr. betting a $100,000 wager on Duke winning their first half of the NCAA Sweet Sixteen against Arizona. They do not call him "Money" just because he's good at boxing, but he is very interested in sports gambling in