Cheating of course is the act of copying someone else’s work and making it seem as if it is you own. But what about those that are not glancing over someone’s test to get the answers, but instead, are allowing their work to be copied? This is called passive cheating, when a person either lets others copy their work or do not notify a teacher when they see someone cheating. Both are equally at fault. Although passive cheating can be seen as less morally significant, it still allows the dishonest action to continue. “Cheating in college poses a threat to all of our educations, and it can only be reduced by us choosing to stop it from happening.”(Bryce Buchmann). This is why …show more content…
“[HBU] is a Christian liberal arts university dedicated to the development of moral character, the enrichment of spiritual lives, and the perpetuation of growth in Christian ideals.” ( As a student of HBU it is my responsibility to uphold their standards, which correlates with my Christian Ideals. And as a Christian I am called to be a reflection of the most high. Meaning if God does not lie than I do not lie, and if he does not steal than I do not steal. “The thief must no longer steal, instead, he must do honest work with his hands so that he has something to share with someone in need” (Holman Christian Standard Bible, Ephesians