
Examples Of Disobedience

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Examples Of Disobedience
Disobedience is a natural reaction for human when there is an oppression. It is through this disobedience against a government, conventional idea, and other people that progress was able to be made and people were able to improve. Thus, I agree with Mr. Wilde’s claim that disobedience is a valuable human trait and that it promotes social progress.

If we look at our history, we can see that major revolutions start with disobedience. One example is the American Revolutionary War. This starts with a conflict between Great Britain and its thirteen colonies which declared independence as the United States of America. The United States felt that the colonies in the New World had no real representation in the British government. At the time, the King was charging unreasonable high taxes, which lets the cheap items to be too expansive for the people to buy. Also, there were many actions that are equivalent to violating human rights. After a while, people can no longer stand this. The founding father disobeys Great Britain and drafts a list, which consists people’s grievances against the King and declares to form a new country: The United States. This list is the Declaration of Independence. Without this disobedience, without this document, the United
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The activists of this movement devote themselves to fight for the right of women to vote and run for office. Before this movement, women were regarded as low social status, no right to vote, speak, no full civil rights, and so on. Women could not stand it anymore and began to fight back. In other words, it is disobedience that prompts the Women’s Suffrage Movement in America. Without this movement, without disobedience, the women today might still live the lives 200 years ago, no rights, cannot get jobs and so on. The benefit of disobedience not only exists in the history but also in literary

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