
Examples Of Education In Huckleberry Finn

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Examples Of Education In Huckleberry Finn
Education of Huckleberry
Most of us think education has to be done in school.a better education is learning from life experiences. In the novel”The Adventures of Huckleberry finn” written by Mark Twain they’re many examples of how people become educated. One of the main characters Huck Finn learns more from traveling through the Mississippi. Huck finn gets a unconventional education by Jim, Tom, and pap.
First of all Huck was educated by Jim in many ways. At one point Tom Sawyer was shot in the leg, and him stayed to help with Tom. Him says to Tom, “would he say dat? You bet he wouldn’t; well den, is Jim gwyne to say it? No sah. I doan budge a step out’n dis place dout a doctor; not if it’s forty year”(Mark Twain pg 276).Huck then was unconventional educated by Jim. Most importantly he learned how to be a true friend. Huck also learns how to be a caring young man thanks to Jim.
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Tom later on agrees to help Huck free Jim who has been taken as an escaped slave at the Phelps farm. While on their way Tom thinks of the rescue as a journey or an adventure. Tom describes the Phelps family by saying, “Yes i know; but you can't depend on them. It’s the way they’ve acted from the very start-left us to do everything.They’re so confiding and mullet- headed they don't take notice of nothing at all’(Mark Twain pg 268). Tom makes everything complicated and adventure like, he doesn’t focus on the serious situation of helping Jim escape. Even though Huck wants Jim to be free, he admires Tom so much that he goes along with his complex

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