
Examples Of Empathy In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Examples Of Empathy In To Kill A Mockingbird
Empathy, what is it? How is it related to you and me? Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feeling of another person because you have been in the same or similar situation. Part of being a good reader is going into depth in your story, and using empathy is one of those ways. I used empathy while reading the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee.
In To Kill a Mockingbird in the late story we are introduced to a character named Dolphus Raymond. He is a white man that hangs out with mostly black folk, is middle class for living in the Great Depression because the setting is in the Great Depression, and has a black wife and mixed kids. Now-a-days that may seem normal, but back in the 30s racism was very high and if you had a

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