Right to life means the right to live, as a nurse right to life means preserving some one’s life for as long as possible even if they want to die. For example, all nurses and doctors at Kings College hospital should do everything they can to keep a person alive if it’s possible. But things like a ‘DNR’ (do not resuscitate) form make it impossible for a doctor to save someone’s life No doctors would help a person die because it is illegal to have euthanasia in the UK. Some people who wish to end their lives have
gone to Switzerland to end their lives in utter peace.
A person-centred approach means an approach to assessment of need that puts the individual at the centre of the process and is based on their views and wishes. For me as a nurse a person-centred approach or as we say ‘patient-centred approach’ means making sure my patient comes first, that they are comfortable system that creates a fair, honest and equal society. As a nurse this means treating all your patients equally as well as colleagues no matter of their ethnicity, religion or culture. For example all patients are included in decisions about their health, such as which hospital they receive their treatment at.
Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another, in my line of work we have to be sympathetic and have empathy towards all our patients no matter our opinion on the situation, whilst being empathetic. At King’s College Hospital