1.1 Describe Person-centred approach
P,C,A, is about how we work with the individual how we give them and show them their rights, rights that they have in life about the choices they can make and how to maintain their privacy and dignity. Looking at the person as a whole not just meeting one of their personal needs but all of their needs by listening and helping the individual to make choices.
1.2 & 1.3 Explain why person-centred values must and should influence all social care work...
The influence meets the needs of individuals by providing the best quality care and by insuring you give best care you are influencing a good quality life by treating the individual the way you would want a member of your family to b treated.
305.2 Understand how to implement a person-centred approach in an adult social care setting...
2.1 Explain how finding out the history, preferences, wishes and needs of an individual contributes to their care plan...
Care plans are about the individuals and their preferences, needs and wishes. If done with the correct information then it gives information to others about the individual, their needs, preference’s, needs and wishes it enables the care plan to be completed accurately and reflect about the individual and their preferences, needs and wishes.
2.2 Describe ways to put person-centred values into practice in a complex or sensitive situation...
Person-centred value in practice would be when an individual is showing distress or being threatening behaviour because of things distressing them, you would ask them what is distressing them, if the individual cannot talk but you know their triggers which could be being asked to much in one sentence or talking to quick to them, once you have found out what s wrong you would then implement practice that has been agreed by staff and other professionals to prevent the risk of serious implications which would be self harm or harming