Macbeth is a very evil character in this story.
First example of evil being, The murder of King Duncan. Lady Macbeth practically forces Macbeth to kill Duncan because she wants to be queen. Lady Macbeth makes a plan to murder Duncan. Her plan is as follows; " Lady Macbeth would get the Chamberlains drunk to make them sleep heavily after Duncan went to bed and then Macbeth would easily be able to sneak past two guards and kill Duncan with guard's daggers (Shakespeare 1.7.60-72 ) . " After the death, Lady Macbeth and Macbeth felt guilty about killing Duncan. Macbeth and his wife could not sleep any longer. The two of them do not know why they killed Duncan because he is a King of good morals. Macbeth was guilty for killing Duncan, causing him not to be able to say
"Amen." The next evil scene that takes place in Macbeth is when Macbeth kills Banquo, but Fleance escapes. Since Macbeth has become King he does not have to worry about doing the murder himself. Macbeth has the power to hire others to do his work. So Macbeth hires three murders to kill Banquo. "My lord, his throat is cut; that I did for him " ( Shakespeare 3.6. 17) . This quote is showing that the three murders did kill Banquo. Macbeth murders Banquo because he is worried that the witches prophecies of Banquo's son becoming king will be true. Although Macbeth did not kill Lady Macbeth his evilness to everyone is a reason for her committing suicide. Lady Macbeth states, "if she was not a woman she would have done murder herself. " Lady Macbeth has so much quilt for killing Duncan and her husband killing Banquo because Banquo was also a good person that she committed suicide. " To bed, to bed! There's knocking at the gate. Come, come, come, come, give me your hand! What's done cannot be undone. "To bed, to bed, to bed (5.1.67-70) ! This is showing that because of Lady Macbeth's quilts, she can't even fall asleep. She just wants to be able to touch Banquo again. In the beginning of the play, Lady Macbeth has a lot more courage then Macbeth, but as time went on he gained bravery. He did not even tell Lady Macbeth about his endeavor to kill Banquo. In conclusion, Macbeth has many evil acts throughout the play but are not limited to the following; murder of Duncan, and Banquo. Evilness from Macbeth in scenes in the course of the play cause Lady Macbeth to go crazy and eventually commit suicide. So as you can see, Macbeth being evil when he is and isn't King clearly affected others. She could not handle the guilt and evil acts any longer . Although, this play has many evil scenes, all evil comes back to the Macbeth who is the cause of the evil.