
Examples Of Friar Lawrence In Romeo And Juliet

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Examples Of Friar Lawrence In Romeo And Juliet
Romeo and Juliet Essay

In the Shakespeare play Romeo and Juliet the character Friar Lawrence actually orchestrates many of the events that shape the plot of the play. In fact, if it was not for him Romeo and Juliet would not have gotten married in the first place, Friar Lawrence believed by marrying Romeo and Juliet that it could end the feud between the families. This was not so it actually made things much worse and later resulted in the deaths of both Romeo and Juliet as well as Paris. Both Romeo and Juliet go to Friar Lawrence for counsel during their difficulties. Romeo accidentally killed Juliet’s cousin Tybalt out of self defense and the defense of his friend Mercutio. He then went to the Friar to hide for fear that he would be killed

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