First in Act 2, Scene 6, ”May the heavens be happy with this holy act of marriage, so nothing unfortunate happens later to make us regret it.” (Intoduce Cite) This is saying that Friar Lawrence married Romeo to Juliet, he knew they were from rival families. Second In Act 4 Scene 1, ”When in bed, take this vial, mix its contents with liquor, and drink. Then, a cold, sleep-inducing
First in Act 2, Scene 6, ”May the heavens be happy with this holy act of marriage, so nothing unfortunate happens later to make us regret it.” (Intoduce Cite) This is saying that Friar Lawrence married Romeo to Juliet, he knew they were from rival families. Second In Act 4 Scene 1, ”When in bed, take this vial, mix its contents with liquor, and drink. Then, a cold, sleep-inducing