
Is Friar Lawrence's Suicide In Romeo And Juliet

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Is Friar Lawrence's Suicide In Romeo And Juliet
Friar Lawrence’s second monologue occurs during the morning of the wedding day of Juliet and Paris, a little after the Capulets find their daughter “dead”. He comforts the Capulets by saying that Juliet has achieved the highest form of happiness by dying and entering heaven. However, this monologue foreshadows Juliet’s future death with her lover but both the audience and the Friar know that Juliet isn’t dead and is merely sleeping. In a previous scene, Friar Lawrence devised a plan to help Juliet get to Romeo and gives her a sleeping potion that would make her appear dead for two days. One could speculate that Friar Lawrence only wanted to rise in power and gain recognition by making peace between the Capulets and Montagues. If he had actually

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