
Examples Of How Infants Learn Through Classical Conditioning And Operant Conditioning

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Examples Of How Infants Learn Through Classical Conditioning And Operant Conditioning
1. Provide an example of how infants learn through classical conditioning and operant conditioning.

Classical Conditioning (Pavlov)
According to experts, classical conditioning theory involves learning a new behavior through the process of association where two stimuli are joined together to produce a new learned response in a person or animal. Example is an unconditioned stimulus (UCS) where a nipple is put in a baby’s mouth, this actions results to an unlearned reflex action (unconditioned response [UR]) which causes the baby to suck on the nipple. Soon the baby becomes conditioned to the nipple {conditioned stimulus (CS)}. This results to the baby sucking as soon as she sees the nipple (conditioned response [CU]).

Operant conditioning (B.F Skinner)
It is a method of learning that occurs through rewards and punishments for behavior. Through operant conditioning, a relationship is created between a behavior and a consequence for that behavior.
Infants learn how to show certain behavior when that behavior is constantly rewarded. Successful operant conditioning in infants typically involves a behavior like eating, which is of considerable importance to the baby's survival. This suggests that young babies are best
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About a month, she can focus on an object moving from side to side. By 3 months old, she has the ability to recognize people at a certain distance and direct her focus on moving objects. At about 4 months old, her eyes will start working coordinately, enabling her to track fast-moving objects and develop depth perception. As she matures, she becomes increasingly aware of colors and more complex patterns, as well. By 1yr old moving forward, she has the same visual capacity as an adult and is able to improve her eye-hand-foot and full body coordination. This is evident in her act of crawling and playing says the American Optometric

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