everyone in the room has something in common (a military background), allowing in-group reciprocity to take place for all members. Individualism more defines how American Society has evolved through today. America is the promise land of Individualism. It is the most democratic, most individualistic and most “free” nation known to man; after all it is the “land of the free and the home of the brave.” Equality is the value or belief that all individuals must be treated with fairness and dignity and be able to attain quality education, economic achievement, political involvement, and a satisfying life. While on the surface it may appear that equality and individualism are one in the same that is not the case. Individualism holds that the individual is more important than the collective, and because of individualism that America is home to one of the most extreme income gaps between the rich and poor, nearly 75 percent of all income is earned by the top ten percent (Kulikowski, 2014). The theme of self-reliance or Individuals has been a part of America since the founding fathers, and it’s what continues to divide the …show more content…
It’s not about the governing laws of the United States or France, it’s about the mistreatment and discrimination against people. I do not know the laws of France, but I do know how it feels to be interrogated for hours for absolutely no reason. Just as these teens in Paris, you have African-Americans running away from police out of fear; it goes to basic notion of fight or flight. These two groups have been targeted that running has become a way of life, it’s the art of survival and to be quite honest, it’s a reasonable response, especially when you factor in an individual’s socioeconomic