to fiddle and mess with my hands instead of just holding notecards. I went through my speech multiple times the nights before, and I unfortunately went over my time multiple times and was unable to get under 6 minutes.
I figured the adrenaline would push me under the time as my speech would speed up. I felt somewhat nervous up in front of the class, but I told myself one thing the whole day before the speech. I get to go up in front of class and talk about basketball and my favorite basketball player. This is going to be fun and that kind of took the chills out of me and gave me a sense of confidence that I needed while presenting my speech. This feeling was even more-so when I finished and was done presenting. The fact that I didn’t have to nervously anticipate presenting later on, and I could just be done with it meant that I could just relax and not think about it anymore. I feel that my eye contact was much better than last speech and my voice tone was the same way. I improved so much from last time and am happy that I did. Another thing I did well on was the knowledge of information. I knew James Harden’s life like the back of my hand and was able to recite sources and facts on every facet of his
life. Speaking of sources however, I forgot to say 3 of my 5 sources unfortunately. There wasn’t much that was unexpected during my speech, except for me forgetting my sources and my video on my powerpoint not working the right way. I was able to open up the video online, however, because I did that before class. This speech was so much better than my S.H.I.E.L.D. speech and was much more smooth throughout. Although I did still mess up a few times, I was able to complete my speech with the thought in my mind that I did a good job. I probably will still not use notecards next time, but I should just remember to state my points and also cite my sources. I would need to use this form of speech in a business meeting setting, possibly showing what and how something is and works. This form of speech is imperative to learn if I want to go into business, as a salesperson would need to understand how to sell, present, and inform during a speech or presentation. This presentation skill could be the difference between a sale and a loss.