
Examples Of Irony In 1984 By George Orwell

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Examples Of Irony In 1984 By George Orwell
Along with using paradoxes the Party is filled with different types of irony, which not only messes with the character, but also the reader. The Ministries carries a lot of the irony in the novel, therefore it is no surprise that without them the government couldn't keep people oppressed. Now, according to Oceania the Ministry of Truth dealt with media and education, the Ministry of Peace with war, the Ministry of Love with law and punishment and the Ministry of Plenty with economic affairs. Now, all of these were purposely named in order to trick people into thinking differently. Still, the reader who is aware knows from Winston that the Ministry of Truth tells lies, and that the Ministry of Love kills and enslaves people, Ministry of Plenty …show more content…
Even, if Big Brother is just a symbol of the power, he has loyal workers who help implant the love for him through Oceania. Additionally, the posters that are omnipresent in the world of 1984 say, “ Big Brother Is Watching You.” Proving, that the Party wants to enforce the idea of an all knowing power and with Telescreen and other forms of surveillance, the slogan of Big Brother isn’t far from true. In contrast to the symbolism of power and fear that Big Brother embodies, Goldstein is a symbol of hope and a life away from the party. Since he is the assumed founder of the Brotherhood and author of “The Theory And Practice Of Oligarchical Collectivism”. However, similar to Big Brother it is unsure whether he exists or if he is just an idea. Further, there is a great possibility that he is just another figure that the Party made up in order to see how loyal their fellow party men are. Since, he is not only widely used as an image of an enemy, but prominent Party members such as O'Brien and Mr. Charrington encouraged Goldstein ideas to him. Overall, depending on what side affects you both Goldstein and Big Brother, are used to manipulate people to where the Party wants

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