In the film Fight Club (Fincher 1999) a nameless character is struggling to identify himself. He is an everyday man going to his job at the office and is becoming just another part in corporate America. Edward Norton plays this character that is nameless in the film but on script they call him Jack. Victimized and feminized by his culture, Jack seeks masculinity by fighting and by doing this he creates another personality of himself called Tyler. Tyler is everything Jack wants to be and not afraid to do the things that Jack is. Jack is “byproduct of a lifestyle obsession” (Fight club). Basically Jack thinks that he is only as good as the things he owns. Thus being ruled by consumerism his identity only goes
In the film Fight Club (Fincher 1999) a nameless character is struggling to identify himself. He is an everyday man going to his job at the office and is becoming just another part in corporate America. Edward Norton plays this character that is nameless in the film but on script they call him Jack. Victimized and feminized by his culture, Jack seeks masculinity by fighting and by doing this he creates another personality of himself called Tyler. Tyler is everything Jack wants to be and not afraid to do the things that Jack is. Jack is “byproduct of a lifestyle obsession” (Fight club). Basically Jack thinks that he is only as good as the things he owns. Thus being ruled by consumerism his identity only goes