There is no better way of showing off your money than by having a mansion everyone can see, and Gatsby knew this. He was determined to obtain a huge mansion that could compare to Tom’s …show more content…
and was able to obtain it through hard work and dedication. Since Daisy adored wealth Gatsby took her to see his mansion so she could fall back in love with him, which she then did for a while. The fact that Daisy is so interested in money is a representation of the American Dream because she is so interested in living it that she married Tom to have it and is then planning on leaving him when she finds Gatsby can also give her that life.
In The American Dream people want to be worshiped and adored, not only have wealth but also be known or seen different than others. A way that Gatsby showed himself unique or different than others was by his cars. Gatsby had a “rich cream color” (Fitzgerald) car that called people’s attention towards it and made him different from any other person. A person’s dream has always been to have a nice car, no matter who it is, everyone would like to be able to have the most luxurious car around and this was also part of the people’s view of the American Dream in the Roaring Twenties.
With this in mind, Fitzgerald’s novel has a wide representation of the American Dream throughout the whole novel.
From the Buchanans to Gatsby, every one of the characters either lived the American Dream or were in search of it. All the huge parties and amount of guests that went to Gatsby’s house were a representation of the things money brings. However we then realize that no one actually cared for Gatsby even if he had all that money because no one showed up to his funeral besides Nick and Gatsby’s dad. However what made Gatsby unique from the others was his carelessness for money and huge dreams he had and believed