
Examples Of Monologue Of Lady Macbeth

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Examples Of Monologue Of Lady Macbeth
Lady Macbeth held her newly received letter in her hands. Reading it carefully as if the words themselves would run off the pages.

“The witches met me on the day of my victory in battle, and I have learned that they have supernatural knowledge. When I tried desperately to question them further, they vanished into thin air. While I stood spellbound, messengers from the king arrived and greeted me as the Thane of Cawdor, which is precisely how the weird sisters had saluted me before calling me ’the future king!' I thought I should tell you this news, my dearest partner in greatness so that you could rejoice along with me about the greatness that is promised to us. Keep it secret, and farewell.” She read to herself. Does this mean we could rule Scotland? She thought to herself.
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Her breathing was heavy, her heart was racing.

“You’re the Thane of Glamis and Cawdor, and you’re going to be king. Just like you were promised.” She smiled at the letter, Placing it carefully on the table next to her.

“But I worry about whether or not you have what it takes to seize the crown. You are too full of the milk of human kindness to strike aggressively at your first opportunity. You want to be powerful, and you don’t lack ambition, but you don’t have the mean streak that these things call for. The things you want to do, you want to do like a good man.” She scolded. She wished Macbeth was next to her so she could tell him these words herself. She was pacing around the chamber her light footsteps were growing heavier with her frustration.

“You don’t want to cheat, yet you want what doesn’t belong to you! There’s something you want, but you’re afraid to do what you need to do to get it. You want it to be done for you!” She cried throwing her arms into the air. Walking over to a window she looked out to the golden

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