1) Always be welcoming. This value reminds me that I must welcome service users such as other members of staff within the laboratory, nurses and doctors within the hospital and the patients as well as their parents regardless of their religious beliefs, ethnicity, gender or creed. For example, I greet each member within that laboratory with an equal amount of respect in the morning. I also greet nurses who enter into the laboratory with …show more content…
This value ensures that I must provide my service to the best of my ability and knowledge regardless of the factors listed above. For example, I handle my samples in a non-discriminatory manner by processing all samples equally and to the best of my ability regardless of the child’s gender, name or ethnicity displayed on samples corresponding request form. This ensures that each sample is processed within an appropriate given time as well as gaining an equal amount of priority when multiple samples are being processed at the same time. The only situation where a sample will gain priority over another is when it is marked as an urgent …show more content…
This is demonstrated in my working environment when I’m being trained by a competent female or male member of staff. Each trainer received the same amount of attention. The amount of communication I have with the trainer during the session in not based on their sex but on the amount of questions I have and how confident I feel in the procedure.
The race and ethnicity of the member of staff I communicate with does not affect the level of respect and professionalism I have to him/her. This can be seen when I interact with a porter that deliver sample into the laboratory. Interactions are held in a non-discriminatory manner and any situations are dealt with in the best of interest of the patients and the staff members involved.
The language I use focuses purely on the duties at hand and is not altered by the race, religion, creed, ethnicity or nationality of the individual/group I’m communicating with. An example of this can be seen when I first enter into the department at the start of the working day. I ensure to greet and involve each member of staff equally and in a non-discriminatory