In Los Angeles, California, two veteran officers were arrested because they were sexaully assaulting females that have problems, mainly drug addictions. Joe Nichols and Luis Valenzuela were raping girls in different locations and they even raped them in their cop car. These acts went unnoticed for three years and the girls ages varied in range from 19 to 34. The two police officers found the women by arresting them for drug offences, that's when they would rape the girls because they were already vulnerable. One of them also raped a girl twice when he got her out of jail to help him with a case then he raped her again threatening her with jail again. They will face life in prison if they are found guilty and both their bails are balmost 4 million dollars. So are these the type of people you want protecting …show more content…
They can still protect us but be treated as normal citizen. I also think they should pull people over all around the month not just at the end of the month I'm saying this because a buddy of mine told he waits till the of the end of the month to meet his quota.and I feel they should have research done on them. (Also from Cooper's article) As a part of an investigation into the relationship between a dmg crackdown and local dmg use, we queried injection dmg using and non-dmg using individuals about police-community relations. When using and non using participants voiced high levels of concem regarding police violence, we further explored this topic during interviews and crafted an analysis devoted to this subject. I agree with this because non drug users sometimes gets a longer