On August 9th 2014 an African …show more content…
American male named Michael Brown was shot and killed by a Caucasian male police officer in Ferguson, Missouri. According to Wikipedia this tragedy took place between the hours of 11 pm to 12:03am. Brown and his friend supposedly stole a pack of cigarillos from a corner store nearby which is when Officer Wilson was first told by dispatch that there was suspicious activity going on. Once the Officer decided to make a move he caged the in so they couldn’t get away. Brown then put his hands up and walked toward the officer, unarmed while Browns friend fled. At this moment the officer shot at Brown repeatedly until he was down for good. Wikipedia and witness reports state that there were about 12 shots that were fired at Brown before he actually hit the floor. After Officer Wilson went to court it was established that the shooting and killing of Michael Brown was claimed to be “self-defense”. Browns family, friends and other people in Ferguson believed that letting Officer Wilson off the hook isn’t the justice Brown deserved. This later caused angry family, friends, and residents to protest and start mass commotion in Ferguson.
Amadou Diallo is a 22 year old immigrant from Guinea that was shot and killed by four police men in front of his apartment in New York.
Based on police reports, witnesses and Wikipedia Diallo looked like a man that had a warrant out for his arrest that had previously raped 29 victims. So the four police men thought they had found the victim, even though it wasn’t the right guy. The four police Edward McMillon, Sean Carroll, Kenneth Boss, and Richard Murphy followed Diallo until he was on the steps right outside of his apartment door. The police’s then yelled “NYPD” as Diallo was putting his hand in his pocket about to pull out his wallet and keys. Officer Carroll yelled out the word “gun”, as in Diallo was pulling out a gun, even though he was not. This then led to all four Officers pulling out their guns and firing at Diallo. All four officers fired 41 times total, and about 19 of the actually hit Diallo and quickly killed him. The investigation after the shooting showed that Diallo was unarmed and what he pulled out of his pocket was a small black wallet, not a gun, and keys for his apartment. After going to court, all four officers’ bail were set at $100,000. Shortly after the charges for all four officers were dropped. Again, this is another example of someone innocent and unarmed dying because of police officers. Another tragedy where justice is not being
Police brutality has become a major issue in this society in which we live in today. Their constant need for more power is the reason for unnecessary deaths all over the world today. Most police officers that are involved in situations like these all seem to all have a couple of the same characteristics. Characteristics such as praying on what appears to be weak or innocent people, constantly wanting more power, and thriving off of what seems like they can get away with anything: like killing innocent people. Police officers have become the vampires of this society which we live in. They use their power to prey on the weak just like a vampire would, it’s like a sense of control. Vampires have a sort of disguise. Besides the fact that they are all pale, they look like pretty normal humans. Meaning if they were in a crowd of people you couldn’t just point out who is a vampire and who isn’t a vampire. Their disguise helps and makes it a lot easier for them to get away with going after people that have no clue that they are indeed vampires. Police officers also have a disguise like vampires, except it’s more obvious. Police uniforms are a type of disguise because it’s like a protection from what they really are and what they are really capable of. When we see someone in a police uniform we normally get that feeling of feeling protected, because as a police their job is to protect people. But that contradicts itself because all of the police brutality going on. We think we’re safe but then there are police officers that go around preying and harming innocent people. Vampires go after innocent people because they know that they won’t fight back so the vampire will have all the control. With police it’s the same way, even though sometimes people fight back the officer always have control and more power in any situation.