
Examples Of Power In Antigone

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Examples Of Power In Antigone
Having too much power is a bad thing , too much power in the wrong hands never ends well. Tick, tick, tick, boom! That was all of your power blowing up in your face. Ultimate power leads to ultimate corruption, it affects not only you, but everyone around you. In Antigone by sophocles, Creon uses his power poorly. He uses his power for him and only him, not caring about the results or how his family feels. For example he says antigone must die for doing the noble thing, which was giving her brother a proper burial. Antigone is basically a daughter to him, she is marrying Haimon, creon's son. Haimon is not okay with this so he talks to his father, but he won't budge. He is showing that is power is more important to him than his own family.

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