It is important to first note the ideologies of famous transcendentalists in order to fully understand how a philosophy can …show more content…
With this, he introduces the idea of sui generis. This becomes a liberal concept because he believes in government action to achieve equal opportunity and equality for all, so people can fully own themselves. In order for a person to create every aspect of an idea equal rights need to be granted in order to ensure that everyone has the capability to do so. Throughout his greatest pieces of transcendentalist literature he is behind the idea of individualism whole heartily. Transcendentalism helps advocate his liberal ideals using the oversoul as a mean of insight and inspiration in order to fully portray his stance on social issues.Transcendentalism can be seen in the case of Henry David Thoreau just in a different form. An abolitionist and poet, Thoreau embodied the mentality of a libertarian, one who is morally liberal but fiscally conservative. The text that most clearly represents his political mentality is “Civil Disobedience” due to the fact that he takes a stand on the necessity of a looser government through change while ensuring …show more content…
For example take the quote “There is more day to dawn” (Walden). This could be taken to mean different things based on what a person believes. A person who derives their ethics from liberalism might interpret this to mean that there will be a day that everyone is equal and all rights will be guaranteed to all, whereas a conservative might interpret it to be that there is another day to achieve self responsibility through the use of self empowerment. The fact is, people take simple quotes and interpret it based off of what they intend to