At first, after wishing for two hundred pounds, nothing happens to the family and they believe that nothing will go wrong. However, from the words by Mr. White, “Morris said the things happened so naturally that you might if you so wished attribute it to coincidence,” we can imply that something, either good or bad, would happen. In conclusion, Mr. White exchanges his son with two hundred pounds, which is the situation he wasn’t expecting. Without being able to estimate the power of uncertain circumstances, it is dangerous to believe
At first, after wishing for two hundred pounds, nothing happens to the family and they believe that nothing will go wrong. However, from the words by Mr. White, “Morris said the things happened so naturally that you might if you so wished attribute it to coincidence,” we can imply that something, either good or bad, would happen. In conclusion, Mr. White exchanges his son with two hundred pounds, which is the situation he wasn’t expecting. Without being able to estimate the power of uncertain circumstances, it is dangerous to believe