Lannia asked, how did she get herself together so fast,…Gladys tells them Oh’ momma kept her suit case packed and had open tickets…she arranged it all, in case she got the courage to leave the man…which she didn’t, so when he died …she didn’t waste a tear…and dance right out of the house….right onto the airplane… and we cheered at the funeral, some people thought we were crazy but still we were laughing and talking about momma…having a life now.
Rickey said girl you right…your daddy was nasty….he should have died years ago. Gladys said boy' shut up… then she tells him very boldly, my daddy was great as a father and an awesome granddaddy, he just was a no good husband and my …show more content…
The Sea and its Beaches are so breath taking. Rickey was reading a Brochure to Lannia, Bruce and Gladys. Gladys asks him, is that what they say it’s like in Spain ? Rickey tells her, yes and they say it’s full of beautiful Land and clistine Water , plus they have Unique Shopping Centers and peacful Churches, much unlike what we have here in Utah, it seems like they are more honest people as well.
Gladys asks Rickey, how do you know ?
Rickey tells her…oh' I have talked to Mr. Wacobi DANNELLE and he has schooled me on her, Rickey also tel them, “Wacobi said, the City is very quiet and very serene” Which means peaceful…
Lannia tells them, well we have that here in Utah…Bruce laughed, then he tells her, what we have here is a hiding place for the troubled but what we need is in Spain, with all the adventure and truth that we can get. Bruce yells, we need Culture baby !
Gladys laughs than say, that reminds me, let me email Mr. Tory Baler, and tell him where I’ll be in case he decides to hire me or something. Lannia tells Gladys, girl' Pastor Baler, does not need you, and you don’t need him so Gladys please send that man a donation and pray for him but please' let him go