Rosetta was introduced to the class.” Class this is Rosetta Ross say Hi ” said Miss RayMaker.Rosetta …show more content…
The next year in 5th grade she was herrassast by a boy named Leo StarFish.So 5th grade wasn’t good.So here’s 6th grade hoping it would go perfect.Well it went ok for the frist quarter .But everything started going south on the second quarter.This guy named Kellan Guntrack My best friend liked Kellan.But beg to differ.I hated him.He yelled across the lunchroom.Kellan said.”Rosetta I like you” Kellan said with a smile.”No you don’t” said Rosetta.So she went on just hating his guts.She soon fowned out that her mom knows his mom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! “WHAT”said …show more content…
”Yea does Aubey ring a bell” said Rosetta.So they went on that day.The next day the meant again.”yesterday I meant Audey I get mixed up because her sister is named Aubey ” said Rosetta “I know my mom told me” said Kellan.OK well they didn’t talk much after that.Then a couple weeks after that. Kellan said “Do you want to go out with me”.
“No” said Rosetta. All his friends laugh at him because he got turned down.OK let, skipped to after college.Well from going to Harvard she become a teacher and one day she was driving down the street and she saw four of her old classmates walking down the street. Rosetta turned around and the I saw my number one friend Sonny. Rosetta was so excited.So Roaetta drove up to him and said.”Hey stranger” said Rosetta. “Who Are you”said Sonny.”It me Rosetta Ross from howe school”said Rosetta.”Really Rosetta it is you”said Sonny. “Yep here in the flesh” said