BOOK: Linking Teacher Evaluation and Student Learning
AUTHOR: Pamela Tucker and James Stronge
* In today’s era of accountability, observations and evaluations of teachers are no longer traditional responsibilities of principals and supervisors.
* Teachers today are encouraged to take major responsibility for their own professional development.
* Must have more systemically organized information on student learning to support and enhance the evaluation process.
* During teacher evaluations, personal opinion and biases get in the way. For a meaningful evaluation: l. Use a more objective measure of teacher effectiveness, 2. Meaningful feedback for instructional improvement (Howard and McColskey), and 3. Have a barometer of success and motivational tools (Schmoker). “Data and results make the invisible visible, revealing strengths and weaknesses that are easily concealed.”
Four examples of Assessment Systems:
FIRST ASSESSMENT: Assess Teacher Quality with Student Work (Quality)
Chapter 3, Oregon: TWSM is a Methodology team. They deduced that teachers should “document a student’s learning process on outcomes desired by the teacher and taught over a sufficiently long period of time for learning to occur.” Some key words in measuring this are outlined in a nine step process: l. Define the sample of teaching, 2. Identify, 3. Assess pre-learning, 4. Align, 5. Describe context, 6. Adapt, 7. Implement, 8. Assess post-learning, 9. Summarize. Teachers then reflect on their own teaching and their effects on student learning.
SECOND ASSESSMENT: Assess Teacher Quality in a Standards-Based Environment
Chapter 4, Colorado: Standards-based evaluations, that include criterion-based tests, are measurements of student achievement using pre and post instruction measures, based on content standards. At the annual evaluation conference, “gain scores” are submitted and reviewed