carry a gun taser etc. They are usually very respected but what happens when they aren’t and they start to realize they are slowly losing their power. I think it is then when they usually end up pulling the trigger. It is crazy what people will do to be well respected and feel powerful. I was taught to respect the police but not to fear them as they are only here to protect us. I am sad to say I feel like it would be hard not to be afraid of the police as those names were just a few out of hundred incidents involving unarmed men shot by the police.
I think everyone likes to feel powerful and respected as i know i do.
Sometimes I do things to gain power and respect for example I play hockey I just started playing here in san jose, as I recently moved here. Of course when I started playing for my new team my skills weren’t respected as much as i wanted them to be so this made we feel a loss of power. I knew that to gain power I had to show the other players a higher level of skill and knowledge of the game. Luckily for me I didn’t have to kill someone to gain power. All I had to do was work a little hard and perform a little better. This worked as I feel like I am already respected and all I had to do was try a little harder. Unfortunately this isn’t always the case. When I came to the team the other players showed no disrespect at all but I still wanted more power and respect. This is exactly what I think the police officers feel, they are not disrespected in any way they just feel they aren’t respected as much as they are used to. This makes them feel the need to show others how powerful they really
Parents are given one of the hardest tasks in life, raising a child. With this task comes a large amount of power and who doesn't like power. Unfortunately we hear about the odd case were the parents have abused their power and harmed their child or brought extreme fear to their life. I know for a fact that parents want there ids to know they're the boss and they have the power. That is why if a child misbehaves parents like to discipline the child so he/she knows that they did something wrong. When a child does something wrong he disrespects the parents as he disobeys the parents rules. The parents don’t like to be disrespected and that is when the punishment comes in to show the power and gain respect back. What I am trying to say is we all want to be respected and have power the only difference being some people will do a lot more to get it back.
Who told us the meaning of life is to get as much power as we can. I personally have never heard anyone say it and if someone did they would definitely be wrong. The only problem is that people in our society seem to think that if we have more power we are better. There has been a small experiment lead by Andy J. When at columbia university he but various people in a powerful and powerless state and concluded that it definitely sways our thinking and how we react to different situations. When did power become such a big thing in our life, why did we all of a sudden start to worry about more than being respected. It obvious everyone wants to be respected but you don’t need power to be respected. This is something our society needs to hear.