Students will carefully observe acts of aggression and prosocial behavior on television, report their observations, and analyze their data to draw conclusions. Watch 20 minutes of each of the three types of programs (do not code behavior in commercials). Record every aggressive act and prosocial act. Some categories will have several acts. Your chart and discussion will focus on comparing the following three types of programs you will watch: 1) children’s cartoons (such as from the cartoon channel, Nick Jr); 2) children’s Teaching program can be found on cable stations like SPROUT such as Barney, Arthur, Clifford the big red dog, Berenstain Bears, or Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood; or Nick Jr programs (Dora the Explorer, Blues Clues); and 3) an adult program. Look for a program you think might have lots of aggression (NO Reality show, sports events, wrestling, comedy stand-up routines, music videos, talk shows). You can record/TIVO shows to watch at a later time; you can also find many of these shows online to watch when it is convenient for you!!
After watching your shows:
Answer the 5 questions below. This homework must be done on a word processor!
Don’t forget to attach your original data chart to the written assignment!
1. List the 3 programs you observed and the date and the time. (6 pts)
1 .Berenstain Bears (3/6/2015 @ 10:00am)
2. Law and Order (3/6/2015 @ 12:00pm)
3. SpongeBob (3/6/2015 @ 2:30pm)
2. Using the data on your chart, multiply the total number of aggressive acts by 3 for each type of program to arrive at an hourly rate of aggressive acts. Do the same for prosocial behavior. Make a table containing the hourly numbers for each program and paper clip it at the end of your written project along with the data chart or include it here for #2. (9 pts)
3. Discuss the levels of aggression and of prosocial behavior for the three types of programs by comparing and contrasting what you observed (at least 100