Care and education cannot be thought of as separate entities in dealing with young children (Eager to learn: Educating Our Preschoolers, 2000). For a child’s development to satisfactory, the care should provide quality cognitive stimulation, rich language environments, and the facilitation of social, emotional, and motor development. These qualities are sufficient for a child’s development and the earlier a child develops these characteristic the better it will be for a child’s learning process. Research also says adequate education for young children can occur only in the context of good physical care and of warm affective relationships (Eager to learn: Educating Our Preschoolers, 2000). Moreover, research suggests that secure attachment improves social and intellectual competence and the ability to exploit learning opportunities (Eager to learn: Educating Our Preschoolers, 2000). Learning is not about absorbing facts, but using new information and relating it to what children already know; also known as fostering prior knowledge. To accomplish all of these suggestions, children should be placed in a setting that supports the needed development.…