This stage is usually caused by flames, sunburn, electricity, chemicals etc. Just like the first degree, the second degree also leaves a red skin and this time blistering is involved. In this stage pain is involved. To treat this stage, you should warm with water and it'll take couple minutes to reduce the pain and the swelling.
Lastly, the third stage, burns all the layers in the skin, it also affects the deepest layer of the skin which is the reticular dermis. This stage is caused by flames from a fire, electrical source, skin that comes in contact with hot object etc. The third stage leaves a white, black, brown and yellowish mark that gets deeper, it also keeps the skin dry. It gives a lack of pain because it has been destroyed to the deepest layer. When someone is burned in the stage, they should be taken to the hospital immediately. It needs medicines in order for it to be healed.
10. Families can encourage there children to eat healthy and tell them that when they grow up they will be able to live longer and they will have more flexible life. They should tell them that eating healthy makes them stronger. Families should also give there children only healthy food so children can get used to