-alternative title: Use Earplugs to Prevent Hearing Loss for Your Baby This world is a loud place for you little baby, and it is common for baby to be sensitive to sounds. The average child may become uncomfortable when confronted with loud noises. Babies may cry or fuss and toddlers may cover their ears with their hands or bury their faces into an adult’s lap to avoid the sound.
Just like adults, children can find some certain sounds uncomfortable. For example, loud, irregular sounds such as airplane, fire alarms, vacuum cleaners, lawn maintenance equipment, or even the flush of a public toilet can send a child running for cover. Prolonged loud noises such as at a concert or even the volume at a typical movie may also be …show more content…
A young, tender ear may not be able to withstand damage.
According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, more than 15 minutes of exposure to 100 decibels is unsafe. The noise in a football stadium can reach 100 to 130 decibels.
And noise that is potentially dangerous to an adult is even more dangerous to a child because a young child’s ear canal is much smaller than an older child’s or an adult’s, the sound pressure entering the ear is greater. An infant might perceive a sound as 20 decibels louder than an older child or an adult. The shorter length of the ear canal increases dangerous noise levels in the higher frequencies, which are crucial to language development.
Awareness of the problem is spotty. Even if concertgoers know about damage from loud music, few children are wearing protective gear at sporting events, parades or fireworks displays, or around high-decibel motorcycles and snowmobiles.
It’s a hard message to convey. Hearing loss, which accumulates slowly over a lifetime, is neither painful nor disfiguring, so it goes