Environmental psychology is the study of relationships between environments and human behaviour, environments can range from work place, retail, hospitals, schools, natural environments and many more. These environment –behaviour relationships can show how not only behaviour changes in environments but behaviour can change environment in the same way, this means that the relationship can be interrelationships (Bell et al., 2001). We can look at the behaviour of humans in an environment and how when the environment is manipulated by atmosphere it can create a certain human outcome (Cassidy, 2003). Environmental psychology also looks at the influence environments have on mood (Bell et al., 2001)
When looking at environmental psychology in a setting such as a shopping centre we can look at the behaviour of people, whether their experiences are pleasant or unpleasant in this environment and their overall satisfaction a store (Bell et al., 2001; Bitner, 1992). On entering a retail environment we may encounter music, sent, various colours, lighting and feels, these may not be obvious to use but these elements create different atmospheres in a retail environment that can influence consumers behaviour when shopping, this retail environment can be a important factor in Environmental-Behaviour relationships (Quartier et al., 2009). Many studies have looked at the effects of stimuli on behaviour in retail.
One main researcher into atmospherics in Kolter (1973) Kolter says atmospherics can influence consumers and are a new way of marketing products, Kolter defined atmosphere as music, feel, smell and sight (kotler, 1973). As more and more research goes into the atmospherics of a retail place, environments begin to be researched by more than just psychologists. Many market researchers have realised they can manipulate the environments to change consumers behaviours, to gain the goal they are
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