People believe this because the north had white and black people fighting for more rights, while the southern men were fighting for their oligarchies to come back. May rights were granted to the minorities, but it took years for the north to accomplish this and voting wasn't granted for black’s until the 14th and 15th amendments. After all of this arguing and fighting, the South still found a way to overcome minorities by using the Black Codes. The Black Codes were restrictive laws that significantly reduced the rights of black men so the South could still use freedmen as a cheap workforce. The codes tried to take the rights the freedmen had just fought for away from them, for the South to gain the upper hand. This angered minorities and the north so they kept on
People believe this because the north had white and black people fighting for more rights, while the southern men were fighting for their oligarchies to come back. May rights were granted to the minorities, but it took years for the north to accomplish this and voting wasn't granted for black’s until the 14th and 15th amendments. After all of this arguing and fighting, the South still found a way to overcome minorities by using the Black Codes. The Black Codes were restrictive laws that significantly reduced the rights of black men so the South could still use freedmen as a cheap workforce. The codes tried to take the rights the freedmen had just fought for away from them, for the South to gain the upper hand. This angered minorities and the north so they kept on