Explicit attitudes and implicit attitudes differ because explicit attitudes are conscious, while implicit attitudes are unconscious. Different explicit and implicit attitudes can lead to racial prejudice when implicit biases contradict explicit values. For example, an individual can be explicitly against participating in racial prejudice because of their values but still participate in prejudicial attitudes because of their implicit and unconscious biases. If individuals enhance their social cognition by becoming aware of their unconscious participation in racial prejudice, they will be able to prevent future engagement in prejudice. Individuals will be able to stop themselves from future engagement in prejudice by practicing aligning their implicit attitudes to their explicit values. Enhancement of social cognition would effectively help reduce prejudice in society because individuals would no longer contribute to any form of racial prejudice. Individuals should manage social beliefs and judgments to help reduce racial prejudice and discrimination in our society. Social beliefs and judgments consist of various concepts; one of the concepts is intuitive
Explicit attitudes and implicit attitudes differ because explicit attitudes are conscious, while implicit attitudes are unconscious. Different explicit and implicit attitudes can lead to racial prejudice when implicit biases contradict explicit values. For example, an individual can be explicitly against participating in racial prejudice because of their values but still participate in prejudicial attitudes because of their implicit and unconscious biases. If individuals enhance their social cognition by becoming aware of their unconscious participation in racial prejudice, they will be able to prevent future engagement in prejudice. Individuals will be able to stop themselves from future engagement in prejudice by practicing aligning their implicit attitudes to their explicit values. Enhancement of social cognition would effectively help reduce prejudice in society because individuals would no longer contribute to any form of racial prejudice. Individuals should manage social beliefs and judgments to help reduce racial prejudice and discrimination in our society. Social beliefs and judgments consist of various concepts; one of the concepts is intuitive