This hateful judgement against him ruined his life, his family, and his community. Even though the segregation between blacks and whites isn’t what it used to be, the thought that blacks are inferior is still prominent in some people’s minds today. Another example of a racial intolerance that shattered lives was the Trail of Tears for Native Americans in 1838 and 1839. Americans saw natives as aliens and unfamiliar. They believed they deserved the land the natives occupied even though the indians inhabited the land first. Some thought the best way to get rid of the indian tribes was to “civilize” them. They tried converting them to Christianity, teaching them to read and write, showing them the European ways of individual land ownership, and in some cases for the South, owning African slaves. Some tribes did this but the others were forcibly removed from their homes and required to follow a trail, the Trail of Tears, to the new indian territory in Oklahoma. The Indians were scared and angry. They rightfully owned that land because they inhabited there way before the Europeans. They were threatened with bayonets while their homes were plumaged through and then forced to go on an 1,000 mile trip across the country. …show more content…
Woman have always been treated unequally in the workplace. Up until the 1960’s - 70’s, a woman’s role at home was to do the cooking and cleaning. The men provided the family with money. Nowadays, the majority of married women have jobs. In many work environments a female is faced with gender bias. A woman with the identical job as a male usually gets paid less. This makes women feel inferior and underappreciated. Also, some men in the workplace think women aren’t capable for their job making women feel inadequate and discouraged. For each occupation there is usually a dominant gender. For example, you don’t see many male nurses or receptionists. Neither do you see a lot of female cops or security officers. This occupational gender stereotyping makes men and women feel like they are bound to work a certain job. Gender discrimination in the workplace is a very relevant issue in today’s society. Another example of gender injustice is the intolerance against women involving their education. Many young women are denied their education. Many are forced to work, marry early, take care of family, or they are denied education because their religion does not value women’s education. A teenager from Pakistan named Malala, an activist for women’s education, was attacked by the Taliban for going to school. She has become one of the leading faces of women’s