• Jan van Eyck, Arnolfini Portrait, 1434, oil on wood panel, 33 x 22 ½”…
Sir John Hawkwood c. Erasmo da Narni d. Niccolò da Tolentino e. Leon Battista Alberti Answer: e 7. Which author goes with which text? a. Dante – History of the Florentine People b. Brunelleschi – Commentarii c. Alberti – Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects d. Masaccio – De Pictura (On Painting) e. Bruni – Laudatio of the City of Florence Answer: e 8. Which are some of the reasons for Ghiberti’s victory in the competition of 1401?…
In 1402, Lorenzo Ghiberti won a competition, beating out Filippo Brunelleschi, to design gates for the North Baptistery. Donatello was too young to compete, but he assisted Ghiberti in creating and designing the cathedral gates. Through this competition, Donatello became acquainted with Brunelleschi and when Brunelleschi left for Rome, Donatello tagged along. It was here in…
4) Fillippo Brunelleschi: Italian architect and engineer, designer of the dome of the Cathedral of Florence, or la Duomo…
Directions: Using the documents, the answers to the questions in Part A, and your knowledge of social studies, write a well-organized essay about the life and accomplishments of Julius Caesar.…
‘’I confirm that the work within the completed assignment is all my own work, and does not include any work completed by anyone other than myself unless referenced. I have completed the assignment in accordance with CMI instructions and within the time limits set by my CMI Approved Centre. By signing my name below I am agreeing that I have read and understood the Learner Statement of Authenticity’’…
Which artist believed that a living figure was concealed in a block of marble and that only the excess needed to be carved away to reveal it?…
Tag 1: (Aman) Who built it and who was it dedicated to? What are the different names? The theatre was started by Julius Caesar, and completed by Emperor Augustus. It was dedicated to Emperor Augustus’s nephew, Marcus Claudius Marcellus (14-23 B.C.E).…
Spoils from the Temple in Jerusalem, Relief from the Arch of Titus, Rome, c.a. 81 C.E.…
The passage (http://www.forumromanum.org/history/morey22.html) is from William C. Morey’s history text Outlines of Roman History. The outline examines the rise and fall of Antony and Octavius following Julius Caesar’s death. Review this information as well as your notes from class carefully. Then write an essay in which you analyze the power struggle in Rome.…
Francesco Castello, often considered the greatest Baroque architect and a true genius, was born to a stonemason family in Bissone. He was related to the papal architects Carlo Maderno and Domenico Fontana; hence, it was in his blood to become a builder. He later changed his name to his mother’s family name, Borromini, and his true architectural career began. At the pinnacle of it all, we find the beautiful church of Sant’ivo Alla Sapienza, where his mastery in the creation of complex spaces is evident in a very confined project.…
Within The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, it is argumentative that Julius Caesar appears to fit the definition of a tragic hero, however it is also believed by a large sum of individuals that Marcus Brutus is found to be a more fitting character to the definition of a tragic hero. Written by William Shakespeare, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar is based upon a plot which revolves around the common theme of a tragedy, which can be perceived as a dramatic composition that often involves verses as well as a death of a high class individual, during the Elizabethan era.…
Gaius Julius Caesar was his name. He was conceived July 12, 100 B.C.E. His parents’ names were Gaius Caesar and Aurelia Caesar. Caesar got classic schooling. His father had great political success. Therefore they were entitled to certain privileges and offices. Young Julius served as an officer in Asia Minor. (“Julius Caesar Biography”)…
“He was an astute follower of the Venetian school of artists and his works reflect their influence. He was considered to be a person of great personal piety and known to prepare himself by prayer and fasting whenever he set out to produce any sacred art.”…
was a celebrated Roman jurist. Scholars know very little of his personal life. It is impossible to discover even his full name, Gaius or Caius, but it is safe to assume he lived from AD 110 to at least AD 179.…