1. It is quicker to do things yourself!
Getting a team takes time, persuasion, ownership, and energy. The leader sees that something needs doing and knows that he can do it quickly. If he is going to delegate the task he will have to recruit, train and monitor people and they aren't going to do it all well – at least initially! Instead of engaging in these time-consuming efforts, some people prefer to work alone. They think that the half-done and wrongly done elements of the task will keep coming back to him and will give him extra work, not less!
2. Control issues
The leader wants to be the permanent controller of the team. He is afraid of losing his dictatorship to gifted and …show more content…
But effective team ministry involves doing things in new ways. Though it remains predictable, and comfortable, the old way may no longer be effective.
5. Ignorance
Many people in churches or organisations have never been trained to do teamwork. Many leaders never embrace the team approach. Such leaders have no idea how to make the change and are afraid.
6. Past Failures
If the leader has been let down by a previous team member who hasn't delivered on supposed promise or who has received training and personal investment from the leader and has then decided to move on and go somewhere else.
7. Lack of Motivation
It is tough to admit that the things we have invested so much time and energy in are no longer effective. It calls into question the wisdom of our past decisions and the value of previous achievements. Many leaders do not want to expend the energy it takes to learn how to do things in new ways. The upfront investment to build teams requires sacrifice from the leader.
8. No vision
Some leaders do not believe that their organisation is going to anywhere special. They have little or no vision for the future, therefore they have no destination. Without vision the organisation will