
Explain Why Students Should Not Be Required To Have A C Average In School

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Explain Why Students Should Not Be Required To Have A C Average In School
Driving with a “C” average

It is your sixteenth birthday you are finally able to get your licence, you have been waiting for this moment for so long, but you remember that you have a “D” in math class.. Students should not be required to have a “C” average in school to be able to drive. Learning how to drive does not consist on staying up late to study.Responsibility at school is different from responsibility on the road, also driving skills are not related to school grades.
The responsibilities for driving and doing school work are two different things. Responsibilities in the classroom comes from intelligence and time management. Maintaining a high average in school does not guarantee responsibilities while driving.School is all about passing. Students stay up late at night just to make sure they get all their work done and study which is not a good thing because then they are not getting enough sleep. Students not getting enough sleep can lead to students falling asleep while driving. That will lead to more accidents students need their sleep to pay attention on the road and know what is going on around them.To get good grades you have to study with driving you need expereince.
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For example what would the driver do if a child chased after a ball in the road, what would they do if a deer ran across the road, if the car in front of them blew a tire. driving consists of experience the more the driver drives the better and more comfortable they will be with it. The driver will not be as scared or worried while driving. With learning how to drive does not consist on staying up late and spending multiple hours trying to understand the road. Having a “D” in school can not affect someone's life not getting enough sleep and not paying attention on the road

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