Mr. Fistler
Classic Book Analysis
English 12
When asked to describe what a hero is, more often than not people would use movie characters such as The Amazing SpiderMan, Superman, Batman, or Captain America to provide examples of what best reflects the character traits of a hero. By definition, a hero is a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. This being said, these movie characters are very good examples of a hero. However, heroes can also be found among everyday people such as you and me. Being a hero involves risk and it is initiated without the expectation of any material gain. In the book Grendel by John Gardner, Beowulf is the ultimate hero to the Geats because he is selfless in character and goes out of the way to serve the needs of others.
The ultimate hero is a person who leads by example and puts the needs of others before his or hers, no matter the cost. The most heroic person in my life is my mother. She does not give me everything in the world, but she gives me what I need and that is enough. She leads by example and has taught me how to be content with who I am and the things that I have, and to make the most of each opportunity I am given. Without her guiding me throughout my life, I fear that I would be helpless and would not truly value the gift of life. My mother loves me unconditionally and I am treasured in her eyes, no matter what I do or how I treat her. She is a
hero because she puts me above herself, and she does this not because she hopes that I take care of her when she is old and grey, but because she loves me. She is such a good role model that I am compelled to treat others the way she treats me.
Some of the greatest heroes in a community setting are policemen and firemen. Each and every day they go into the line of danger and put their lives at stake in order to protect and serve civilians. Many might consider these men and women to be just as commonplace as any other working person, but they are polar opposites from common. These men and women risk their lives to save the day everyday and they do it as their occupation. Without firefighters and policemen, the citizens in America would have no freedom; crime would go unpunished and families would lose family members in house fires or automobile accidents. To conclude, firemen and policemen are some of the most humble and selfless people in our society.
In the book Grendel, Beowulf is highly looked upon as a hero. He came from the water to help defend the Geats against Grendel. The hero here put his life at risk to prevent Grendel from destroying the Geats and their property. Beowulf is admired by all the Geats and the people because he puts fear aside from the task at hand which is putting an end to the evil upon the lands, Grendel. Some heroes are paid for their duties, some are not, but that does not matter to them and that is what separates heroes apart from the rest. For example, in our story, Beowulf our hero separates himself from the regular Geats that are just regular foot soldiers that will cower in fear in the blink of an eye when a beast such as Grendel attacks.
All in all, heros can be found in our everyday lives. Whether it being an average person such as your mother, an idolized person in society like a fireman, or a made up fictional character, like Beowulf. A hero could be putting their life on the line or just taking personal time
to help others in need. You don't just wake up a hero, you better yourself as a person everyday to gain the attributes of a hero. Gain those attributes such as chivalry, courage, honesty, and compassion, and you are headed in the right direction as a person and will gain respect from a wide variety of people. The people who act when no one is watching are those who make a difference.