The main hero in the story is Oskar, who sets out on a journey to find knowledge. His journey is very untraditional in its purpose. Traditionally, a hero’s quest involves going on a quest to save someone or some people. Because Oskar is just a child he takes on his quest for curiosity’s sake and because he wants to find out whom the key he finds belongs to. Oskar is like traditional heroes in that he is fearless and brave. He visits the …show more content…
The story is also much more impactful due to the main character being a young child. Due to the fact that the story takes place several years after 9/11 many people understand how Oskar feels and know what is going on in his life. Despite the depression that hits him after his father’s death, when a conundrum was presented to him, he uses the opportunity to go on an adventure. Had Oskar not found the key, he would have never learned about his family, and he may have still been in his misery for a longer time. Finally, Oskar finally comes to terms with his father’s death when he and his mother finally talk about what happened to his father.
In conclusion, the hero of the novel, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, Oskar Schell, is an untraditional hero who sets out on a grand adventure. He travelled all over New York City without being afraid of going to the houses of complete strangers. His story also hit many of the feelings that went through the people of New York City in the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist