
Eyewitness Identification

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The fallibility of Eyewitness Identification and Testimony
Eyewitness identification and testimonies are relied on heavily by the criminal justice system to help with investigation and prosecution of crimes and criminals. Due to the increase in the use of eyewitness identification psychologist began studying the results more efficiently to gain a clearer understanding of the risks it holds.. A scientific literature on this specific topic was created and highlighted the issues that have been discovered with eyewitness identifications and testimonies. “Mistaken eyewitness identification was the largest single factor contributing to the conviction of innocent people.”(CITE EYEWITNESS TESTIMONY) These factors that can relate to
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The textbook talks a lot about memory and how it plays a large role in the identification process. When evidence based on memory becomes something to rely on, there are two forms that should be taking into consideration, memory and memory testimony. “Memory is what the witness recalls about the event. It is important to recognize that the memory can be influenced by a variety of factors. Whereas, memory testimony is the witness’s statement of the what he or she recalls about a prior event. Memory testimony can also be influenced by a wide variety of events and processes; as a result, we have two processes that are susceptible to outside influences. (CITE PG …show more content…

This is done by psychologists and is based on chronology or certain time frames depending on when the variables influenced the memory. “The chronological category looks at factors that influence memory based on when they occurred in the collection and preservation of the memory.”(Cite text 350) There are a number of factors that could possibly influence eyewitness memories prior to the event involves witness characteristics like sex, age, intelligence, personality variables, visual acuity impairment due to alcohol or drug use and other sensory impairments.” (CITE 350) Factors influencing eyewitness memory during the event includes variables such as length of exposure to the perpetrator, use of a disguise, same race versus other race identification, lighting, view the witness had of the perpetrator, and weapon focus.(CITE TEXT) Law enforcement officers do not usually have control over these factors, however, there are methods that can help in these situations like having a surveillance camera present and

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