Your everyday practice in your setting is likely to have been influenced by many factors, * Your training in working with young children. * Your experience of working with different children and families * Your on-the-job learning from colleagues * Your reading and viewing of television programmes * Your personal experience - as a parent and as a child.
Also so your professional practice should be evidence based practice too. This means you are required to keep up to date with the reported findings of research studies and consider how it can be applied to your own work.
We learnt from the Baby P inquiry to ask questions over injuries’ that couldn’t be explained. It gave us a clearer process to do to manage or report child abuse. We now have leaflets for all parents and staff to read if we have any doubts that a child maybe being abused. We also have an injuries log book for each child if they turn up with injuries so we can log it.
Participation is when we give a child a chance to contribute to small-scale decisions about everyday aspects of their life in their early years. We do this by giving every child the options of what activities they would like to do or what dressing up clothes they would like to wear or if they water milk or water at snack time.
It is important to comply with anti-discriminatory and anti-bias practice in order to up hold children’s rights to have equal access to opportunities for their development and learning and to be protected from the effects of prejudice and discrimination.
We talk to the children about how everyone is different and get them to point out their differences from others and talk about who is tall and who has green, blue or brown eyes. All staff are trained to answer this questions so a child knows its ok to ask them and is free from stereotyping and prejudice answers, as children absorb attitudes from others and that can affect their behaviour towards