Versus Technological Service Delivery;
An Analysis
There are many benefits as well as possible drawbacks to service delivery that rely solely on technology. With today’s advances in technology almost any customer service option that is offered through a face-to-face service encounter, can also be offered through a technology based service encounter. The only aspect of customer service that isn’t available through technology is the tangible aspects that are experienced inside a store, including face-to-face contact with service personnel. There are pros and cons as well as risks associated with both service models, and given a certain situation, one model might be more appropriate to meet a customers needs. In this paper, I will be analyzing service delivery through technology, and comparing it to the face-to-face service delivery model, and showing how and why both can be effective depending on the needs of the customer.
Customer Needs
When identifying which model of service delivery is a better choice for customers, it is necessary to define the dimensions of service quality that are most important to the customer. There are often times that one or two are the most important, and a few others that fall in rank order. If a customer places convenience at the top of the list, then doing business with technology might be the better option for that customer. However, if the customer isn’t pressed for time and tangible aspects are more important to a customer, they might choose to go to the store to have a face-to-face encounter. Any type of self service technology requires the customer to take on some of the work that was previously conducted by store employees, for this reason, the service must provide ease of access, cost savings, or some other benefit to ensure customer satisfaction with the service.
Benefits of Technological Service Delivery for Service Providers