Nowadays, there are many social networks that can be found on internet and there are also many people are using it. One of the most popular social networks is Facebook. Facebook is a social network that connects the people all around the world, no matter in which country. Facebook encourages the communication between people without any boundary. Facebook is also worldwide, convenient, fast and quick. We can also exchange information on Facebook.
Facebook also possess with many applications such as chat-room, various types of games, files exchanging, video conferencing and others. However, Facebook is a neutral party, it can be neither positive nor negative, it just depends on the way people use it.
We can use Facebook to connect with family, friends, work colleague and others. Facebook is also the best for finding old friends. We can also share our feelings. We can also get a lot of information such as daily news through Facebook. Students can use Facebook for group study by creating a group only for studying. Facebook is also famous finding a date. Many people are using Facebook for dating and making a new friend. Through Facebook, we also can sell a product or promote products easily. We can also play the Facebook online game to distress. For most parents, they can understand their children’s feelings by looking at the status through Facebook. We can comment on our friends’ posting to give our opinion.
Facebook plays a very important role in getting valuable information. We can gather information from our friends post, Fan page updates or groups. We can also use Facebook as social bookmarking site. We can share our article, blogs, and photos to thousands of people around the world. Facebook is well-designed. There is no fancy colour or design which distracts