The number of Facebook users have been growing drastically over the years. Everyone is using Facebook be it, for social or and business. Even young people, adults in their late 40’s & 50’s also uses Facebook to communicate with friends and family. Some people may or may not realized that Facebook actually do brings some impacts to our live, happiness and self-esteem. There is link between Facebook usage and self-esteem. Where it show negative relationship of the two; as Facebook interaction increased, self-esteem decreased. As Facebook has a few activities, one of it is posting status of “how are you feeling today” and this often leads to people provoking others when one writes about their thoughts and feeling. Other than that, people who have low self-esteem tend to write things about themselves more and they think that they are not self-worthy. Some people on Facebook, tend to craft images; by posting and updating their Facebook account about their daily activities. For instances, he or she went to a party and start taking pictures and uploaded it to Facebook where like they having so much fun but it merely people just go to parties sitting down and start taking pictures only. People do that is because; they want others to perceive that; they are a fun person, outgoing person; but deep down; it may be opposite from it. Facebook also affect a person’s happiness. If a person is surrounding with positive messages and good news; the person also will see things positively in life. Where else, if a person is surrounding with negative issue, rage; the person also will have negative point of looking in things. This also may affect one self-esteem. Moreover, comparison also play a key role with Facebook’s impact on self-esteem (Suval, 2013). Seeing friends posting status about their good news, or sharing their perfect life; you tend to be envy of it and you may sometimes be wondering the life of yours is not as perfect
Bibliography: Halfaker, V. 2013. Overexposure to Social Media: Social media distorts our personal identity | Omnibus. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 26 Nov 2013]. Mashable. 2013. The Social Psychology of the Selfie. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 25 Nov 2013]. Shea, A. 2013. Facebook Envy: How The Social Network Affects Our Self-Esteem. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 26 Nov 2013]. spacetimeexpress. 2013. Please step away from the computer - Social media distorts our reality.. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 26 Nov 2013]. Suval, L. 2013. » Facebook, Happiness and Self-Esteem - World of Psychology. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 25 Nov 2013]. Taylor, D. 2013. Is Facebook Creating a False Self in Your Children?. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 26 Nov 2013]. 2013. The Channels : Column: Facebook distorts self-perception, identity. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 26 Nov 2013].