Social Networking has become a part of the everyday movement in many lives. There are many social networking sites out there today; you have Twitter which is for blogging, Linked in which is used by Professionals, Facebook the largest social networking today, and Google+ the new competition for Facebook. Google+ opened on July 31st, 2011 and by August 24th, 2011 they reached 54 Million users. Facebook and Google+ have a lot of similarities but also a lot of dissimilarities. Both Facebook and Google+ you can update a status, now the question is who exactly do you want to be able to see your status? Also they both also have video chat available but with Google+ you can video chat with more than one person at a time. Finally, both Facebook and Google+ are the only two sites that offer the same outcome in social networking unlike Twitter and Linked In. Google+ is out to dominate Facebook As you add friends on your Facebook you can differentiate them by Lists, on Google+ you differentiate them with Circles of friends. On both sites you can join together your family, friends, coworkers, and/or alumni’s by groups but on Facebook you cannot separate the groups from your status but on Google+ for each Circle of Friends you can have a different status. For example on your Facebook if your status is “Out to BK for lunch” all your friends will see it. On Google+ if you have three Circles of Friends, you can have three different statuses, for example on your family circle you can have “Great time at Grandma’s 70th” on the friends circle you can have “Hate my job” and on coworkers circle you can have “Love my job”. Google+ gives you the opportunity to separate your groups like in the real world. Google+ has a section called “Hangout”, it is an opportunity to video chat with numerous amounts of members without being in the Circle or without them being in your Circle. Let’s say you have a friend that invited you to a Hangout and also invited 7 of her
Social Networking has become a part of the everyday movement in many lives. There are many social networking sites out there today; you have Twitter which is for blogging, Linked in which is used by Professionals, Facebook the largest social networking today, and Google+ the new competition for Facebook. Google+ opened on July 31st, 2011 and by August 24th, 2011 they reached 54 Million users. Facebook and Google+ have a lot of similarities but also a lot of dissimilarities. Both Facebook and Google+ you can update a status, now the question is who exactly do you want to be able to see your status? Also they both also have video chat available but with Google+ you can video chat with more than one person at a time. Finally, both Facebook and Google+ are the only two sites that offer the same outcome in social networking unlike Twitter and Linked In. Google+ is out to dominate Facebook As you add friends on your Facebook you can differentiate them by Lists, on Google+ you differentiate them with Circles of friends. On both sites you can join together your family, friends, coworkers, and/or alumni’s by groups but on Facebook you cannot separate the groups from your status but on Google+ for each Circle of Friends you can have a different status. For example on your Facebook if your status is “Out to BK for lunch” all your friends will see it. On Google+ if you have three Circles of Friends, you can have three different statuses, for example on your family circle you can have “Great time at Grandma’s 70th” on the friends circle you can have “Hate my job” and on coworkers circle you can have “Love my job”. Google+ gives you the opportunity to separate your groups like in the real world. Google+ has a section called “Hangout”, it is an opportunity to video chat with numerous amounts of members without being in the Circle or without them being in your Circle. Let’s say you have a friend that invited you to a Hangout and also invited 7 of her