IE 566
FACILITY LAYOUT AT WHEELED COACH 1. What analytical techniques are available to help company like Wheeled Coach deal with layout problems?
In each manufacturing company like Wheeled Coach must consider the best layout strategy that will fit their business in order to maximize profit. Layout design must achieve higher utilization of space, equipment and people, improve the flow of information, materials or people, improve employee morale and safer working conditions, improve customer/client interaction, and flexibility. A good layout requires determination of material handling equipment. Capacity and space requirements must also be met, only when personnel, machines, and equipment are known can a manager decide with the layout and provide space for each component. Environment and aesthetics must also be considered like decisions on windows, planters and height of partition in order to facilitate air flow. Communication is also important and must be facilitated by the layout. Lastly, cost of moving between various work areas is also a point to consider. With all these in mind, Wheeled Coach will be able to address their problem regarding facility layout. 2. What suggestions would you make to Bob Collins about his layout?
Based on the case at Wheeled Coach, Bob Collins should address the problem in the assembly line like a controlled chaos. Putting this stage of production in order should be given focus, particularly the problem with balancing the right number of workers and tasks at each workstation. While the components of the ambulance is made indifferent work cells, the product-oriented layout of the assembly line should as much as possible minimize the imbalance. The management should create a smooth and continuous flow with minimum of idle at each workstation. In order that each ambulance is produced at specified rate, management should know